
KiActiv® Health is a digital therapeutic that optimises personalised everyday physical activity in the context of health to empower self-care for the prevention and management of disease.

Our unique behavioural medicine creates new digital pathways for long-term health condition management, rehabilitation services, and healthy ageing, where physical activity is a key component.

We increase patient access, improve health outcomes, reduce healthcare costs and move healthcare beyond its traditional settings.

Our data-driven, interactive online platform is supported remotely by a Mentor and expands the therapy window to include ~112 waking hours per week, making care more accessible and effective.

We integrate proprietary technology with cutting-edge science, which incorporates the multiple dimensions of physical activity to harness the protective properties that are independently important to health, and provide actionable data 24/7. Our use of everyday physical activity as a therapy has no barriers to age, mobility or environment and is proven to appeal to those unwilling or unable to access current services.

We deliver sustained improvements in physical activity and health outcomes, and are a trusted partner of the NHS for over 4 years. This innovation provides new levels of measurement and accountability for behaviour change and health outcomes for all stakeholders.

Key Facts

Currently supporting fifteen different long-term condition pathways, 86% completion rate, 96% improve their physical activity, 93% sustain or make further improvements to their physical activity at 12-months, 79% of participants are aged 50+, 94% would recommend KiActiv® Health to others, 63% of participants reported clinically meaningful improvements to Quality of Life, 58% of participants reported statistically important improvements to Mental Wellbeing, Currently active across 24% of NHS ICSs in England.

Successes in UK/NHS

Currently active in 24% of NHS ICSs in England, successfully supporting patients to self-manage across 15 different long-term condition pathways.

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Delivering advanced patient care

Enabling self-care


Digitally-enabled out of hospital care

General health

Long-term condition monitoring

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Markets already exporting to

UK, New Zealand

Desired Markets

Middle East, USA, India, Europe, Australia

Desired customer types

Healthcare Providers (Public or Private), Insurers, Consumers

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