ELAROS’ Digital C19-YRS platform is a cloud-hosted clinical software solution co-developed with University of Leeds for the remote assessment, triage, monitoring, management and rehabilitation of patients with chronic conditions including long Covid, Myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain and fibromyalgia, PoTS, and more.
The platform has been recommended nationally by NHS England in their National guideline for post-Covid assessment services, adopted nationally by NHS Scotland to deliver their national Long Covid programme, and across many other clinical condition management and rehabilitation services in England, Wales, and the Republic of Ireland.
The platform also offers a research version designed to streamline clinical research studies with e-consenting, auto-pseudonymisation of data, and GDPR-compliant processing to support research teams to deliver studies at a local, national, and international level outside clinical practice or to run alongside it.
The digital solution reduces the administrative burden associated with postage and printing of health assessments, educational and rehabilitation material, such as guides and booklets, which are conventionally completed on paper by patients.
C19-YRS reduces the clinical burden and time taken in triage and follow-up assessments which can last longer than 60 minutes using paper and telephone to fill out questionnaires with one patient at a time or reduced to as short as 10 minutes using ELAROS’ mobile application to record data and automatically generate clinical reports for analysis before the next appointment.
Information is gathered independently by patients via a mobile or web app, or via telephone for those excluded from digital, to collect data that is sent securely to a web portal for staff to access remotely, saving time, money, and the need for patients to travel to face-to-face appointments.
The platform offers over 50 patient-reported outcome measures for a range of conditions that can be customised to align with local clinical pathways and the service they offer, with the ability to create bespoke questionnaires for local use.
Clinical services can pick from a repository of support resources for different symptoms and conditions that have been contributed to ELAROS’ network by verified and trusted NHS organisations and charities. Alternatively, services can configure their own resources at a local or regional level to tailor the patient’s experience and deliver personalised and localised healthcare based on the patient’s needs to digitally scale the delivery of rehabilitation interventions in less time.
The system’s broad range of customisable features and functionalities which are co-developed with clinical academics in line with national guidelines and widespread adoption in clinical services and research studies globally are what makes the innovation unique.
Key Facts
- ELAROS has 4 NHS shareholders
- NHS user base comprising of 60 NHS Trusts and Health Boards
- Recommended nationally by NHS England and adopted nationally by NHS Scotland
- Operational in the UK, Australia, and Republic of Ireland
- The customisable platform supports multiple conditions in both clinical and research settings
Successes in UK/NHS
C19-YRS system adopted by 60+ NHS Trusts and Health Boards. Adopted to deliver a flagship £3.4 million, NIHR-funded research study into Long Covid delivered by University of Leeds, Imperial College London, and University of Oxford. Adopted nationally by NHS Scotland to deliver their national Long Covid programme. Recommended by NHS England in their Commissioning guidance for Post COVID services for adults, children, and young people. Recipients of the AHSN Network x NHS Confederation Innovate Awards 2022.Company details
Augmenting healthcare professionals
Delivering advanced patient care
Enabling self-care
Decision Support and treatment planning
Long-term condition monitoring
Specialised self-care (except mental health)
Company details
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Funding Status
Not seeking funding
Markets already exporting to
UK, Australia, Republic of Ireland
Desired Markets
UK, Australia, Republic of Ireland, USA, Canada, South Africa, Europe, Middle East (Saudi Arabia, UAE)
Desired customer types
Healthcare providers (public and private), Academia/Researchers, CROs, Patients at home/direct to consumer