Key Facts
Accredited to ISO-EN13485 Medical Device Standard, Providing commercial telehealth solutions to the NHS since 2005, NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellow, multiple EU and InnovateUK projects. Available in 8 languages and growing, Chinese FDA Accredited, forecast 2020 turnover £4m, 37 staff and growing
Successes in UK/NHS
Supplying doc@HOME commercially for many years to NHS organisations. UK NHS market share approx 30% of all sites using remote monitoring. Long term contracts with 8 NHS organisations, accepted on 4 procurement frameworks. Largest contract with Liverpool NHS CCG where we are monitoring over 4000+ patients and providing continuous enhancements in functionality -Company details
Delivering advanced patient care
Digitally-enabled out of hospital care
Long-term condition monitoring
Company details

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Austria and China
Desired Markets
ASIA, America's, EU, Australasia, Middle East, Africa
Desired customer types
Insurers and HMO's - Need to find distributor or JV partner