COHESION Medical Ltd.


COHESION is making care journeys safer, smarter and more sustainable with AI-driven Connected Citizen Health solutions.

Our Citizen Health Wallet is an adaptive digital solution that simplifies how citizens connect and communicate with health services to deliver more effective remote monitoring and better health experiences. With our Citizen Health Wallet, an individual can simplify multi-conditions management, multi-services interactions and multi-user roles all within our single go-anywhere smartphone App.

The solution is interoperable enabling data integration with smart sensors, third-party applications and back-end EPR/EHR systems. Our cloud-based Care Service Platforms are configurable for remote monitoring across multiple conditions using our built-in data analytics to drive real-time patient-to-population health monitoring all within a GDPR compliant framework.

Applications of the solution include: digital front doors to connect people with multiple services more seamlessly; remote monitoring solutions to manage clinical care pathways which connect patients, smart devices and services together; complex service provision involving multiple services and teams with care planning; and real-time research access to real world data to accelerate insights into diseases, interventions and population health outcomes.

The solution is deployed in the UK National Health Service (NHS), Community Pharmacy and leading National Charities.

Key Facts

COHESION established in 2012 COHESION selected for Digital Health Innovate UK Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP) COHESION has won the following awards: 2022 – The Health Foundation Triage Solutions for Chronic Care Management 2021 – The Health Foundation Remote Monitoring Solutions for Chronic Care Management 2020 – SMART Technology Award Smart Devices Integration 2019 – The Health Foundation Chronic Care Management Solution 2018 – FSB Scotland Scotland Employer of the Year 2018 – Innovate UK Innovation Award Precision Medicine Platform for Inflammatory Diseases 2017 – Innovate UK Innovation Award Condition Early Detection And Risk (CEDAR) System for Cancer 2016 – Innovate UK SBRI Award Dermatology Care Pathways 2016 – Innovate UK SBRI Award IBD Care Pathways 2016 – Innovate UK SBRI Award COPD Emergency Care Pathways 2014 – Scottish EDGE Award for Entrepreneurship

Successes in UK/NHS

COHESION customers include NHS England, NHS Scotland, NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Community Pharmacy Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland, University of Strathclyde, Digital Health Institute Scotland and has active partnerships with a range of NGOs/National Charities, Healthcare Providers, International Life Sciences, MedTech Developers and Research Institutes. Specific success include: 1. NHS App for End of Life with NHS SNEE ICS Targets Child/Adult Cancers, Rare Diseases, CF, MND, Autism, Downs, Frailty, Dementia Citizen Co-Designed for Inclusion/Accessibility Integration with NHS Login and NHS Services (OpenEHR) Safety Approved and Security Approved Potential wider use cases for Diabetes and Mental Health 2. Digital Rheumatology (Scottish Quality Register) with NHS Scotland Healthcare Improvement Scotland Pilot (500) to scale across Scotland (50k) Targets Rheumatoid Arthritis MDT Care Planning Rheum, Physio, OT, Ortho Remote Monitor Patients at Home - 92% Patient Activation, 96% User Satisfaction £14.9Mpa health savings projected x1000 Data Volume for research 3. Hypertension App with Community Pharmacy Scotland Pilot (500) to scale across Scotland Connects 1258 Pharmacies across Scotland Remote Monitor Patients at Home with BPM Patient to Population Health Dashboards Significant Cost Saving compared to Equivalent NHS Service Delivery

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Delivering advanced patient care

Enabling self-care


General health

Integrated and coordinated care

Long-term condition monitoring

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Desired Markets

Canada, USA, Ireland/Europe, UAE/Middle East South Korea

Desired customer types

Government Health Systems Private Care Providers Payer Groups (Health Insurers) International Life Sciences

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