As a leading provider of clinical communications and advice and guidance technology that fully integrates with both primary and secondary care systems including EMIS and SystmOne, NHS Spine and eRS, Cinapsis is a digitally-led rapid referral process which enables dialogue between GPs, paramedics, optometrists, NHS 111 call handlers and secondary care specialists – via phone, video or message – resulting in treatment plans being agreed in ‘hours’ rather than ‘weeks’.
Bridging gaps in clinical communication, Cinapsis has proven to be powerfully effective in reducing pressure on NHS services, while enabling a strong dialogue between the clinical teams, promoting knowledge sharing and education between the clinicians.
Key Facts
Used by clinicians across 11 Integrated Care Systems across England and covering a population of 8 million patients, Cinapsis is reducing unnecessary outpatient referrals and Emergency Department attendances for over 100 specialist services including dermatology, ENT, respiratory, haematology and paediatrics to: • provide Advice and Guidance and agree treatment plans in less than 48 hours • support better outcomes for patients by ensuring patients receive treatment sooner; • allow care closer to home and avoid the need to travel to hospital; • reduce the need for face-to-face appointments; • used the principle of ‘dialogue first’ to enable the retention of a significant proportion of conventional secondary care outpatient activity in primary care, digitally supported by secondary care specialists; • establish an educational programme to improve the standards of care across care settings; • to reduce the pressure on secondary care in order that they can focus on critical and specialist services, through managing patients in primary care (who would have routinely been referred to secondary care); • monitor live referral and associated pathway and outcome tracking; In Gloucestershire, results show that 70% of dermatology advice and guidance requests through Cinapsis are completed without the patient needing either a face-to-face or virtual dermatology appointment. Clinical pathways have been improved with patients being triaged to the right outpatient clinic first time, removing unnecessary follow-ups and freeing up capacity in 2-week wait clinics. In Urgent and Emergency care specialties, Cinapsis has reduced Emergency Department hospital visits from primary care by 83%. 53% of these patients have instead been seen in specialist clinics or units and 30% of patients have been managed outside of the hospital.
Company details
Augmenting healthcare professionals
Delivering advanced patient care
Enhancing collaboration and communication
Improving quality & efficiency
Clinical collaboration and communication
Decision Support and treatment planning
Integrated and coordinated care
Operational Efficiency