
Aparito digitises clinical trials and accelerates drug development for life-limiting diseases by supporting patient-centric clinical trials for those needing innovative treatments.

Clinical trials can be conducted within patients’ homes by leveraging our Atom5™ platform, incorporating disease-specific smartphone apps and integrating video assessments and wearable devices.

This moves from relying on sterile, snapshot assessments during clinic visits to continuous, real-time, real-world data utilising novel eCOA and digital biomarkers. 

Aparito’s patient-generated data platform is disease-agnostic and scalable, ready for rapid deployment in global rare disease studies.

Key Facts

Studies live in over 20 countries and 18 languages. Over 10,000 patients enrolled in clinical trials to date. 60+ peer-reviewed papers authored by the Aparito team.

Successes in UK/NHS

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Aparito joined a study to provide remote patient monitoring for oncology patients in collaboration with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and NHSx Techforce 19. Lockdown removed the ability of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to monitor oncology patients via inpatient clinics and they needed a means of remote patient monitoring to enable them to continue to collect patient data. The study sought to demonstrate the feasibility of multidimensional remote monitoring of cancer outpatients during the Covid-19 pandemic and evaluate the quality of the data collected and insight that can be retrieved from it. Cancer patients under active treatment or surveillance were invited by the clinical team during routine appointments (mostly conducted over the phone) or via the North Wales Patients Forum. Remote monitoring and decentralisation allowed for rapid deployment and patient enrolment and study to take place when so many were suspended or delayed. High data capture was achieved via Atom5™ and good data quality allowed for insightful analyses to be performed informing on near real-time patient’s health and the results for app usage and wearable engagement were impressive: Over 2,800 patient days were collected via the Aparito Atom5™ app with a median engagement of 73% 80% of the patients were recruited in just two weeks Median engagement with the wearable device was an amazing 89% Aparito’s Atom5™ platform enabled patients taking part in chemotherapy to report their health status via a user-friendly interface in near real-time and provided hospital staff with the data to monitor patients at home. https://www.aparito.com/stories/remote-patient-monitoring-for-oncology-patients/

Company details


Delivering advanced patient care

Driving insights and analysis


Drug discovery and Clinical trials

Long-term condition monitoring

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Markets already exporting to

USA Canada Netherlands Germany Belgium Italy

Desired Markets

USA Canada Netherlands Germany Belgium Italy France Switzerland Spain

Desired customer types

Biotech Pharma Academic & research institutions

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